Choosing the right Surface Mount Resistor
When choosing an SMD resistors, you need to take into consideration various aspects, namely: Power, Type, Resistance, Accuracy and Sensors.
When it comes to the Type of your resistor, there are different types, distinguished by application – there are general-purpose resistors for the “normal” use, as well as eco-friendly ones, more powerful ones, etc. If you’re looking for something truly heavy-duty, then you need to look into the power that each of the SMD resistors offers.
If the resistor can offer a higher intensity of power, it also means it is much more durable and will serve you for years to come. Low power resistors wear out fairly quickly. Large machines and systems require more power and better power dispersion.
Furthermore, your resistance should be stable – in order to avoid fluctuations in resistance, especially under temperature fluctuations, it’s best to look into chip resistors that come equipped with smart solutions to prevent such potentially dangerous situations. They come both in thin and dense designs. High accuracy resistors are usually more expensive but at the same time make your overall operation much safer and more stable.
Finally, an equally important part of choosing the proper SMD resistor is the sensors it comes equipped with. They are responsible for identifying current and transforming it into voltage. Current sensors are very important as they cause voltage drop and ensure that your voltage is right.
What else is important?
Once you have secured the most important factors when choosing your SMD resistor, focus on checking out the chemical stability of the resistor as well as the frequency. However, these are secondary to the mentioned characteristics, so as long as you follow this guide and check the specification of the SMD resistor you’re looking into, you should be all set. Make sure to compare the specification with your required voltage, stability and accuracy in order to choose one that meets all of your needs and will ensure flawless operation for years to come, without breaking. Remember that saving on your resistors is never a wise thing to do!