Now, conversations about potential attacks and protests around Inauguration Day are taking place on a wide mix of public and private feeds and chats on Dubai-based Telegram and other services like MeWe, according to law enforcement officials and extremism researchers. The development has police forces concerned about being able to predict and respond to protests and potential attacks in the days leading up the Jan. 20 inauguration. “One of the advantages that we had when those fringe groups were available and communicating in the open, with Facebook, Twitter and Parler, is that it was an open source way to track…
Author: Sam Arnold
This shift, the silence, was momentous, made possible by Twitter’s decision Friday to ban him from the platform.It may take historians years to grasp the full implications of the social media hurricane that Trump has conjured ever since he announced his intention to run for president 5½ years ago. But it took a single week, underscored by a single remarkable day, to appreciate what happened when that storm headed back out to sea.This emerging new world — free from Trump’s tweets and the kaleidoscope of reactions to Trump’s tweets — has dawned suddenly, costing the president his ability to speak…
That got us thinking: Given how tantalizing the idea of an open world Star Wars game is, what would we want in one? Let’s start with a strong story.Star Wars fans have been spoiled lately. “The Mandalorian” rivals (or surpasses) much of the canon in terms of rich storytelling, awe-striking environments and thrilling action. Oh, that Jon Favreau would supervise the script, or that Dave Filoni (the creator of “Star Wars Rebels” who worked on the animated “Clone Wars” series, as well as “The Mandalorian) would pen it. Respawn also nailed the script for its Star Wars game, “Jedi Fallen…
Parler’s fall was faster than its rise. The site, founded in 2018, built a name as a conservative competitor to Twitter and Facebook. It was much smaller than the giants but growing steadily, and pitched itself as a privacy-focused, sophisticated social media site that put a premium on people’s right to free expression. For months it attracted big names and gained millions of users, many of whom had grown fed up with traditional social media platforms.But Parler also quickly became a breeding ground for conspiracy theories about the election and calls for violence in D.C. And one by one, technical…
My friends and I would have stopped playing long ago if not for some creative solutions. To keep the game fresh, here are some spooky (and, at times, ridiculous) alternative rules for playing. Some of these were found on the game’s official subreddit; others we learned from “Phasmophobia” streamers like Nuzzgard or created ourselves. But be warned: This list is aimed at veteran players, not newcomers.Gameplay constraintsIn “Phasmophobia,” you have three difficulty modes: amateur, intermediate and professional. Amateur is the easiest, giving you ample time to discover the ghost’s favorite room and set up your equipment before the start of…
Luke Battiloro is no stranger to outrageous achievements, and today, we will be learning how to build a successful business in the midst of the economic uncertainty that was 2020 Luke Battiloro took on the challenge of being one of the first people to sell alcohol online and managed to come up on top! Leaving any of his potential competitors back in the dust and marveling at his triumphs. So, make sure to stick around till the end and learn a little as Luke Battiloro shares his hard-won strategies for building a successful e-commerce business in 2021. Hello! Please tell…
The move by Amazon Web Services, or AWS, marks the latest and most crippling blow for the pro-Trump social network, which has emerged as a haven for conservative users who have fled more mainstream Silicon Valley sites that crack down on harmful, viral falsehoods online. Earlier this week, Apple and Google removed Parler’s app from their stores for smartphone downloads, similarly citing concerns that posts on Parler could contribute to violence. Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, confirmed that AWS had communicated its…
Cassandra Freeman is known as the “#1 Dream Builder” — as a wife, mother of four boys, and founder of Thoughtful Inspirations, she is driven to help other women leaders achieve their dreams by sharing the lessons she learned on her way to success as an entrepreneurial mother and doctoral student. Her goal-oriented tools such as the ‘The Little White Lie’ book is endorsed by Brian Tracy and motivational e-courses within Never Give Up Academy are just a few of the resources she offers to get you on the fast track towards maximizing your fullest potential. As a speaker, she has…
For now, the White House is considering an early push as soon as Monday against Twitter and other tech giants, blasting it for having silenced the president’s ability to reach supporters while calling for fresh regulation against Silicon Valley, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Trump, who is apoplectic about being banned, plans to spend the final days of his term in office railing against the industry, the person said.Yet Trump’s threats also underscore his reliance on the very social-media sites he has long disparaged for perceived political biases. On Twitter,…
“Despite our efforts to serve the public conversation, as Trump’s megaphone, we helped fuel the deadly events of January 6th,” the employees wrote. “We request an investigation into how our public policy decisions led to the amplification of serious anti-democratic threats. We must learn from our mistakes in order to avoid causing future harm.”“We play an unprecedented role in civil society and the world’s eyes are upon us. Our decisions this week will cement our place in history, for better or worse,” the added.Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Twitter on Wednesday initially labeled Trump’s tweets about…